Dear All Professional Collegues
Subject.: Adding of Professional Assistant in agenda Item No - 44 regarding the anomaly in the Pay Scale / Pay Band and Grade Pay of School Librarian and Library and Information Assistant in IITs Library System.
Respected Chairman Sir and Hon'ble Member,
Respected Chairman Sir and Hon'ble Member,
We would like to draw your kind attention upon the agenda item no.- 44, which is not to be discussed on the next NAC meeting to be held on 05-01-2012. Sir, we are the Professional Assistants serving in the different Central Universities facing the same problem like the Library and Information Assistants in IITs. We would like to request you kindly discuss the matter regarding Library and Information Assistants and add the Professional Assistants with the School Librarian in agenda Item No. – 44.
The Comparative Pay Structure and qualification of School Librarians and Professional Assistants are as under:
School/Institution | Post | Qualification | 5th CPC | 6th CPC |
School Library (KVS+NVS) | School Librarian | 3 year Graduation degree + one year Professional degree)i.e.B.A/B.Sc/B.Com.+ B.Lib.Sc | Rs. 5500-175-9000 | Rs 9300-34800 GP-4600 |
University Library | Professional Assistant | MA /M.Sc. / M. Com. + B.Lib. Sc. or BA / B. Sc. / B. Com + M. Lib. Sc. with 2 years experience. | Rs. 5500-175-9000 | Rs. 9300-34800 GP-4200 |
Further this is to also inform you that the existing Recruitment and Promotion Rules of the most of the Central Universities, there is no provision for the carrier advancement for the serving Professional Assistants in University Library System but PAs were benefited with 8000-275-13500 and 10000-325-15200 after completion of 12 years and 24 years of their services respectively in 5th CPC. After implementation of 6th CPC, the Professional Assistants and Library and Information Assistants are placed in the grade pay of Rs.4200/- in University Library System and IITs and School Librarians have been placed in the grade pay of Rs.4600/-. MACP in 6th CPC has only provision to change the Grade Pay of Rs 4600, 4800 and 5400 after completion of 10, 20 and 30 Years of services respectively. This is not only the loss of money, effecting morale also.
In view of the above fact, you are kindly requested to please consider agenda item – 44 again and remove this anomaly so as to provide justice to the Library and Information Assistants and Professional Assistants.
plz give mi your cell no. i have a macps professional assistant GP problems so give me your mail or contacts no. thanks
(M) 9427527544